Exhibition September 2024 | Gemeinschaftshaus Langwasser | Nürnberg | Germany

What an incredible task our life is…
We are born naked and die disguised.
In between we hope to find ourselves.
How is it, that we are born so pure, innocent and maskless, and spend so many years hiding who we really are.
When do people start to bend and disguise themselves, to mask themselves and, above all, why.
In my art, I have traced the (disguised) tortured creatures from the very beginning and, with my characteristic ruthless openness, I have revealed my own truth little by little, bit by bit.
I analyzed the underworld, the cosmos and the here and now in my art. I rose, fell and completely forgot myself in the jungle of external conditioning, just to finally dare to shed all layers of disguise.
Coming from drawing and printmaking I started painting with oil, later acrylic, just to end up with watercolour. I concluded, that it gives me exactly the transparency, flexibility, and ability to travel with that I have been looking for in my artistic expression for almost 35 years.
In my last group of works, “Overcircling” ( Watercolour on Arches Paper), I preserved the past (older watercolour works) and reworked them with the motifs of the present and the future.
My current work is based on a strict set of rules with which I achieve harmony and unity.
The following applies to the works that I produce for the topic “Ubuntu – End of the Masquerade”: Each individual part is self-sufficient but has a connection to the next part.

This creates the opportunity to have flexibility in the overall size of the work without losing the harmony and tension of the whole.
All work is interchangeable.
Each circle depicts an individuum. The core is white, clean and innocent. Bit by bit it grows rings like layers of masks, that makes the core nearly vanish
Each individual work gains a new connecting form with each new configuration. The individual works become more and more complex, but the basic composition and colours remain the same. A harmony of the whole is achieved which gives the individual their freedom.
Below and above: Project Sketches: Watercolour, Ink and Acrylic on Canvas I from the Series LEAVING THE PAST BEHIND – An End of the Masquerade

For more art in the similar series Overcircling and Happiness is a Full Circle click here